IS / IT Planning and IntegrationThursday Group Ltd. service of IS/IT planning & integration aims at various benefits: cost reductions through optimized process flows between the different business units, reduction of informatics costs through the use of synergies or increases in total revenue through the use of a new and customized IT solution. Objective and core of our IS/IT planning & integration is to understand the specific IS/IT environment (or parts of it), to reorganize it strategically and to develop and smoothly introduce a new marketable solution. As a first step in the IS/IT planning & integration, Thursday Group Ltd. realizes in close consultation with the customer a feasibility study, summarizing the fundamental strategic considerations, such as highest possible systems integration, homogeneous organization of the IS landscape or use of standard software and existing infrastructure.
The new IS architecture will then be defined on the basis of the business requirements and the different initiatives will be bundled as projects, prioritized and scheduled.